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Letters to the Editor

[…] D. Hunt and K. H. Blacker in Dialogue (Winter 1968). I believe that technical knowledge, capacity, and human feelings in a psychotherapist are more important for his patient than his marriage. I would not […]

Wonderful Personal Voice

[…] limited enough that I can make no claim of expertise sufficient to enter a debate. Yet my humanity, with reason and faith, resonates with reality while reading such an article. I am warmed by […]

On Racism and the Mormon Church and Response

[…] predecessors had confused their own racist views with God’s will and that the priesthood ban resulted from human error and limitations rather than a divine curse. Given the church’s ecclesiology, this step would be […]

Book Review: Richard J. Mouw’s Talking With Mormons

[…] of Mormons themselves, to understand how they respond to “the hopes and fears of all the years”—common human concerns: The shift here is from an agenda shaped by the question ‘How do we keep […]

Recap of “Of One Body: The State of Mormon Singledom”

Cross posted at By Common Consent
Audio recordings of talks from the symposium are available here, with video of Clayton Christensen’s plenary above. Symposium organizers Matt Bowman and Sharon Harris share their thoughts below in a mock interview. We are glad to welcome them once again as guests at BCC.
On May 16, we held a symposium in New York City. Called “Of One Body: The State of Mormon Singledom,” it was designed not as a typical Mormon singles conference (planned to encourage flirting and courtship), but as a serious discussion about the growing numbers of single Mormons and the falling rates of marriage within Mormonism. Both of these trends reflect broad patterns in American culture, but we wanted to discuss what they mean for Mormons in particular.