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The Ahmadis of Islam: A Mormon Encounter and Perspective

[…] signs point to Ghulam Ahmad (Kalem n.d., 10-12). However, this claim emerged only gradually from Ghulam Ahmad’s writings and pronouncements. It was not until the third part of his work, published in 1882, that […]

Divisions of the House

[…] leadership changes and encouragement for witnessing), was published verbatim in newspapers before it had been presented in writing to delegates. At the conference of 1984, President Wallace B. Smith presented the document at the […]

The Joseph Smith Translation and Ancient Texts of the Bible

[…] change. The form of the titles in Alexander Campbell’s 1828 translation of the New Testament, The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, Commonly Styled the New Testament (A. Campbell, J. […]

“A Matter of Love”: My Life with Dialogue

[…] conveyed them to the author, sometimes with an acceptance, but even then as a basis for re writing. It soon became clear that we were establishing, essentially for the first time in Mormon culture, […]

The Veil

[…] to understand her.  I remember a passage from Eudora Welty’s One Writer’s Beginnings: “It seems to me, writing of my parents now in my seventies, that I see continuities in their lives that weren’t […]

Mormon Women Project: Salon 2011 this Weekend

[…] Power in Your Spiritual Heritage” by Kate Holbrook, Jill Mulvay Derr and Cherry Silver “Finding Power in Service” by Amy Antonelli (former director of Rising Star Outreach) “Finding Power in Your Personal Story” by […]

Max Mueller: Has the Mormon Church Truly Left Its Race Problems Behind?

Max Mueller asks “Has the Mormon Church Truly Left Its Race Problems Behind?” in The New Republic.
He begins “It’s looking more and more likely that Barack Obama will be facing Mitt Romney next November. According to recent polls, Romney’s much-debated “Mormon Problem”—considered by some to be a main roadblock to the Republican nomination in 2008—has decreased in salience among the white evangelicals on whom he’ll probably depend in both the primary and general elections. But one element of the Mormon problem that’s yet to be vetted will come into stark relief should this match-up take place: the Mormon Church’s troubling history of racial exclusion.”

Mental Illness and George Albert Smith

Cross-posted from By Common Consent
By J. Stapley
I think that the Curriculum Committee of the church missed a tremendous opportunity with the production of the manual for study this year. Most of us know someone who has struggled with mental illness. We know someone who has or have ourselves taken anti-depressants, stimulants, lithium or AAPs. It is no secret that in the past, church leaders and church members have often misunderstood mental illness. However, we live at a time when we can all safely view mental illness as a biological problem, like cancer, that needs to be treated. I think however, that many people who suffer with these issues still feel stigmatized, and some yet think that it is simply an emotional or spiritual failing.

Watch Editor Kristine Haglund on C-SPAN discussing Mormonism and Politics

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Editor Kristine Haglund is one of a panel of experts–also including Boston College Professor of Political Science and media commenter Alan Wolfe, Boston University Professor of Religion Stephen Prothero […]

New historical resources at JSP website

Yesterday, at a news conference to which Dialogue was invited, the editors of the newly released Histories, Volume 1 teased that there would be a plethora of resources to be uploaded soon to the Joseph Smith Papers website. A day later the heavens were opened! Among the releases, find a previously unavailable copy of an early version of Joseph Smith’s 1838-1839 history that is important because, as scholar Robin Jensen explains “the text has been available, but this version has not .” Also included is what Jensen calls “the best scanned images I’ve seen online of one of the most important books (the 1833 Book of Commandments) published in Mormon history.”And find 50 1839 documents, updated reference material, the second volume of the manuscript history and various 1840 documents.