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Dialogue Conference Presenter Bios

downloadWho is speaking at our “Spirit of Dialogue” conference on September 30th at UVU? Speakers will include Dialogue luminaries Armand Mauss, Darius Gray, Alice Faulkner Burch, Ignacio Garcia, Gabrielle Blair, Patrick Mason, Meg Conly, Greg Prince, Michael Austin, Ben Park, Courtney Clark Kendrick, Paul Reeve, and Eric Samuelsen and more discussing LDS art, the issues surrounding Mormon groupthink, the place of Dialogue within Mormon studies and more. Find biographies of the presenters here.

Book Review: Daredevils, by Shawn Vestal

Lapsing into Daredevilry

Shawn Vestal. Daredevils. New York: Penguin Press, 2016. 308 pp.
Reviewed by Julie J. Nichols
It’s a hard truth: you have to be damn smart to be a writer of good fiction. If you’re dumb, forget it. You have to hear words in your head—and who doesn’t? But you also have to know how to put them together in a sentence that’s not only grammatical but original in its context, truer than any other sentence could possibly be. Then you have to do that with paragraphs and chapters in the service of a whole whose shape knocks readers right out of unconsciousness, makes them alive, blasts their eyes open so they see the world new.

Shawn Vestal is smart. He’s so smart he could write Daredevils, which is about three daredevil kids on the run, two of the daredevil bad guys they’re on the run from, and Evel Knievel, who was the quintessential iconic daredevil of the United States in the 1970s. He figures just enough in this story to be real. Or almost.

Dialogue Awardees Certain Women Art Show 2021

[…] Graham’s artist statement: “Prophets have taught that our heavenly parents work together for the salvation of the human family.” This polyptych landscape contains symbols of our Heavenly Family and the plan of salvation. The […]

The Complementarity Principle

[…] love for you to meet him.” What? Had those questions she’d asked before been about an actual human? The idea of a date filled me with anxiety because I almost never went on proper […]