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The By-pass

[…] sin.” This one caught me off guard.  “Sure ain’t much like a book, is it?”  Front page news it was. Who could have driven away leaving the woman on the ground and her child—four […]

Dark Watch

[…] But . . . ”  “What?”  “They’re all Peculiars.”  I sigh. You will be pleased with this news. The remaining bits of Zion, the Mormons who still want to be a peculiar people finding […]

What the Church Means to People Like Me

[…] of the immanence of God in human affairs that the apparently pointless evil and injustice in the world can be handled by the valid assertion that God’s ways are not man’s ways. He is […]

A Survey of Current Literature

[…] for which no preparation is thought necessary.  Robert Louis Stevenson  As is all too evident from the newspapers, we are again approaching that quadrennial time when nominations for the office of President will be […]

Vardis Fisher and the Mormons

[…] of God. No other work of literature has presented the Mormon story more forcefully to the non-Mormon world.  Not surprisingly, however, Mormons have never made a cult of Vardis Fisher. Reared a Mormon, Fisher […]

Mother’s Day, 1971

[…] Goddess, whose little stone and clay figurines have been found in Upper Paleolithic sites over most of the world. She was the goddess of the fruitfulness of the earth and its creatures, the source of […]

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

For the most part, Mormons have been a socially homogeneous people. True, the initial Anglo-American stock was reinforced from time to time by immigrants from Western Europe, but these converts were quickly absorbed into […]

Utah’s Peculiar Death Penalty

[…] become my friends. From 1958 to 1962 the names of Rivenberg and Garcia were often in Utah newspapers. Both had been convicted of the brutal sex slaying of another inmate in an attic above […]