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A Survey of Current Literature

[…] Mormons or bibliophiles of Mormonism. The journals noted were Mormon History, The Carpenter: Reflections on Mormon Life and The Western Historical Quarterly. Mormon History and The Carpenter are of unique Mormon interest and the […]


[…] to combine work and child care. Although it is poor form to identify wives by their husbands today, three of our group are married to bishops.  We spend no time railing at men. In […]

Mormons as City Planners

[…] Stake Retirement Center and Provo’s Eldred Manor have been favorably featured in recent articles in the Church News. What is more surprising is that as individuals a people who once pioneered in urban planning […]

Bernard Devoto and the Mormon Tradition

The career of Bernard DeVoto, the foremost writer and one of the greatest intellectual forces whom Utah has produced in this country, was conspicuously marked by achievements and honors. He wrote five novels, three […]

The Reorganization in the Twentieth Century

[…] the Reorganization.  Typical of the body of literature are the following: The Restoration Story and The Good News, both missionary booklets of the 1950’s; Telling the Gospel Story, a junior quarterly of 1945; E.A. […]

God and Man in History

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sees both God and man in a temporal, that i§^ historical,’ context, but it has developed no authoritative, systematic statement of the philosophical implications of historical […]

Nineteenth-Century Mormons: The New Israel

[…] issue.  Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: Deserer News, 1950) V, 80n.  Millennial Star 1 (1841), 252-55. Cf. Robert Bruce Flanders, Nauvoo: Kingdom on the […]


[…] Mormons will remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news. I was in a school meeting some ten miles away from my home when a secretary […]