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A $5 fun fundraiser

[…] the most integral, insightful, and intellectual Mormon journals available, but will also enter you into a drawing for one of five signed copies from these friends of Dialogue (list found below). Drawing will be […]

Seers, Savants and Evolution: The Uncomfortable Interface

Dialogue 8.3/4 (1973): 43–73
Ever since his great synthesis, Darwin’s name has been a source of discom fort to the religious world. Too sweeping to be fully fathomed, too revolutionary to be easily accepted, […]

The Current Restoration of Nauvoo, Illinois

[…] pushes itself into Iowa and then returns again to its generally southward course. Within the arc thus formed by the westward protrusion of the river are more than a thousand acres of land, the […]

Mormon and Queer at the Crossroads

[…] of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had been instrumental in the passage of Proposition 8 in Cali fornia in 2008, it surprised the national press in November 2009 by publicly supporting Salt Lake City’s […]