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Literature, Mormon Writers, and the Powers That Be

[…] twenty-three-year-old mist I am looking into; and there was me, an ink-stained veteran of a year of writing C to C-plus freshman themes at Weber College. We all met near the end of our […]

$5 fundraising flurry

windowAs the year comes to a close, Dialogue has fashioned a $5.00 fundraising flurry and invites you to join in. Donating just $5.00 will not only help Dialogue in its quest to continue to be one of the most integral, insightful, and intellectual Mormon journals available, but will also enter you into a drawing for one of four signed copies from these friends of Dialogue (click “Read more” to find out which authors are participating). Drawing will be held January 4th and winners notified soon thereafter.

The Mormon Myth of Evil Evolution

[…] would be folly to make it the foundation of a life’s philosophy. Widtsoe was also involved in writing several such articles for the Era. One such article, printed in 1948, was titled “Were There […]

My Fifty Years in Journalism

Can a Mormon boy from the cow country of the West reasonably aspire to a writing career in the mainstream of our national life? What roads are open to him? Must he sacrifice his […]

Writing the Mormon Past

[…] care, produced as they were in the climate of controversy and contention surrounding early Mormon history.  The writing of Mormon history seems to be a profession especially unforgiving of emotional and intellectual shortcomings in […]