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The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

Dialogue 34.1 (Spr ing/Summer 2001): 87
However, the temple has maintained its central role in the lives of Latter-day Saints by being able to create a point of intersection between human desires for righteousness […]

The Accommodation of Mormonism and Politico-Economic Reality

[…] Church attitude toward unions and union action over the years, the General Authorities and the Church’s Deseret News have consistently been opposed to compulsory unionism. The first president of the AFL, Samuel Gompers, too, […]

The Challenge of Secularism

[…] of the messages coming from General Authorities of rural backgrounds and the alarmist editorials of the Deseret News against the “new” economics which have been accepted for over thirty years by both political parties. […]

The Bowhunter

[…] surprises and possibilities . He was a time traveler stepping into the past, leaving behind cars, contraptions, videos, taxes, shopping lists, agent I.D. cards and putting himself on simple terms with the animals — […]

J. Reuben Clark, Jr.: Political Isolationism Revisited

[…] a conquest that shall weld the whole earth together in one great brotherhood in a reign of mutual patience, forbearance, and charity, in a reign of peace to which we shall lead all others […]

The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage

Dialogue 40.3 (Fall 2007): 11–41
These articles were about legal arguments. The case against argued that marriage was already tenuous and allowing same-sex marriage would doom it, suggesting that people would become homosexuals if […]

The Twentieth Century: Challenge for Mormon Historians

[…] of special interest, appears twice annually in B.Y.U. Studies and is sent to all association members. A Newsletter keeps members informed of meetings, business, projects, and awards. The association also annually awards prizes for […]