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Sarah M. Pratt: The Shaping of an Apostate

[…] in a letter to the doc tor that the Pratts were privately saying, “If Smith ever re news the attack on them, they will come out against him, and stand it no longer” (Bennett […]

Remembering Armand Lind Mauss: 1928-2020

Memorial Service for Armand Mauss In Memori am: Armand Mauss by Patrick Mason The academic field of Mormon studies lost one of its greatest pioneers and champions when Armand Lind Mauss passed away. In […]

The Mormons and the Ghost Dance

[…] it is hard to tell just what they will do” (New York Times, 8 Nov. 1890, Deseret News, 7. Nov. 1890).  Nevertheless, Miles concluded, “those who have seen the impersonator of the Messiah say […]

The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

[…] of Latter-day Saints by being able to create a point of intersection between human desires for righteousness and the divine willingness to be bound by covenant. This point has remained constant, even though emphases […]

Mormonism and the Periodical Press: A Change is Underway

[…] the long-promised day come when every faithfu1 worthy man in the Church receive the priesthood.” Time and Newsweek stopped their presses to get the story into their weekend editions. It was carried as well […]