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The Dialogue Diet

[…] more mature have softened those stances. Kushner: Yes, due to reality. Prince: The Mormons immediately populated the top one and have been very reluctant, or incapable of vacating it. Kushner: My take on that […]

Watch videos from inaugural Mormonism and Asia conference


Videos from GLOBAL CROSSROADS: Mormonism and Asia in the Twenty-First Century March 22, 2014 were just released.

Enjoy presentations from Melissa Inyoue, Laurie Maffly-Kipp, Elizabeth Heath, Staci Ford, Joanna Brooks, Gina Colvin and more.

Kristine Haglund on polygamy in the NY Times

screen2“Kristine Haglund, the editor of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, said that while she found the church’s new transparency ‘really hopeful,’ she and other women she had talked with were disturbed that the essays do not address the painful teaching about polygamy in eternity.
“These are real issues for Mormon women,” Ms. Haglund said. “And because the church has never said definitively that polygamy won’t be practiced in heaven, even very devout and quite conservative women are really troubled by it.”

Editor Kristine Haglund on PBS Newshour

2014-11-12 14.04.55Editor Kristine Haglund is featured in the PBS NewsHour segment “In releasing history, Mormon Church grapples with origins and polygamy.” Watch the video or read the transcript of her remarks.
Here’s a snippet:
KRISTINE HAGLUND: Well, it’s important to remember that Mormonism is a young faith as religions go.
And so I think for the last decade or so, there’s been an increasing recognition that just controlling the message and carefully limiting the amount of information that people have won’t work anymore in the Internet age. There’s been much more openness among scholars about these difficult questions.

"Peace on Earth" Christmas-musings from Patrick Mason

imagesIn a guest post for Rational Faiths, Board Member Patrick Mason says “It’s pretty obvious that most Mormons are not pacifists. But if we are in fact going to worship Jesus, and not just make a dumb idol out of the Babe of Bethlehem, then we should think long and hard about it.
Mormons have by and large accepted the dominant Christian notion of “just war,” first articulated not in the New Testament nor by the earliest Christians (many of whom went to the lion’s den rather than serve in the military), but rather by the fourth- and fifth-century Christian theologian Augustine of Hippo. It’s only natural to believe that if someone hits you, you should hit them back. Or that violence is effective in defeating our enemies. Or that peace can come through war. The trouble is, Jesus taught none of these things—in fact, he taught just the opposite.”

Free article: Developing Integrity in an Uncertain World: An Interview with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Fife “God gives us a world in which we may borrow wisdom from others, but we also must learn through the exercise of free will, through mistake-making, through the earnest seeking of truth based in our own thinking, discerning, and seeking,” says Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife in this must-read new interview from the Winter 2014 issue. Check out “Developing Integrity in an Uncertain World:An Interview with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife” and download either the pdf version or the html version for free! And have you checked out the rest of the magnificent Winter 2014 issue yet? It features Joanna Brooks’s survey of Mormon feminism, Courtney Rabada’s study of sister missionaries and Nancy Ross and Jessica Finnigan’s look at the feminist presence online, plus many other powerful women’s voices.
Click here to purchase individual articles, or, even better, to become a subscriber to Dialogue!