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The Emma Smith Lore Reconsidered

Dialogue 16. 3 (Fall 1984): 69-76
Emma spent her remaining years far removed from the associates who had helped shape the events of that first decade of the Nauvoo period. Like those around her, she […]

Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine: A Mormon Perspective

Dialogue 18.2 (Summer 1985): 42
For this reason, I would suggest that in theory—and sometimes even in practice—”Mormonism” typically sees frontiers in medicine such as those we have discussed as opportunities for expanding its […]

Beyond Literalism

[…] orthodox Christians, partly because certain other traditional sources of authority had been eliminated. The American Revolution had overthrown the king, who was the head of the Church of England. Some of the state constitutions […]

Penetrating Muddied Waters: Creationism and Evolution | Michael Ruse, Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies, Norman D. Newell, Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality?, Niles Eldredge, The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Evolution, and Philip Kitcher, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism

[…] marshalled forces of the scientific Sanhedrin against a group of right-thinking allies who simply get a bit over-enthusiastic once in a while? The four boks reviewed here have some thing to offer in answer […]

Spiritual Searching: The Church on Its International Mission

[…] Vietnam, Lebanon, Iran, and Nicaragua.  Less spectacular but even more horrifying is the prevalence of mass p overty in Third World countries where the Church attempts entry. The Church was born in poverty. It […]

Friendship and Intimacy

[…] She immigrated to the United States; and although we see each other rarely, mutual caring has lasted over many years and many changes in each of our lives.  Out of the hundreds of fellow […]

Refugee Converts: One Stake’s Experience

[…] and to build youth programs. At the same time, the Oakland Third Ward was created for members over forty-five with no children still living at home. The University Ward is for single adults. The […]

Groping the Mormon Eros

[…] mon literary instances that seem to display a prevalent attitude.  We are frequently, duly, and properly warned, over the pulpit in general conference, against the evil of pornography—an attitude Levi and I share, though […]

In Defense of a Mormon Erotica

[…] writer much respected for his realistic study of the Oedipus complex in one novel, Sons and L overs (1913), and much deprecated for his graphic treatment of adultery in another, Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928). […]