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Goodbye to Poplarhaven

[…] trappers who passed through in 1830 described it as “the most desolate and forlorn dell in the world” and preferred to “forego the acquisition of any benefit in the world” rather than remain there. However, […]

The Passing of a Prophet

The ancients of light radiat ing wisdom on wings of eagles break through the sky in a surge of compassion:  In the Milestones section of Time  Magazine a few cramped words: “Died, Harold B. […]

The Hosanna Shout in Washington, D.C.

[…] first time I participated in the “Hosanna Shout” I felt the presence of actual beings from another world joining us in that cry of praise and the following “Hosanna Anthem.” That was in the […]

Bibliography of Leonard James Arrington

[…] Review  PNQ Pacific Northwest Quarterly  PUASAL Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters SUP News Sons of Utah Pioneers News (Salt Lake City) WHR Western Humanities Review  1935  Article:  “Idaho Future […]

The Seventies in the 1880s: Revelations and Reorganizing

[…] the most of the missionaries from the Quorum of Elders and quite frequently from the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association, and I may say with gratifying success.” The Missionary Committee, he said, would continue […]

The Effect of Mormon Organizational Boundaries on Group Cohesion

[…] communal worship plays a similar role. Group solidarity is encouraged through joint worship—singing of hymns, public prayer, mutual exhortation by members of the congregation, and particularly partaking of the sacrament. This latter act is […]

Being Mormon: An LDS Response

[…] lifestyles exist. What, then, produces the frequently expressed feeling that as Mormons we are part of a world-wide family whose members be long wherever they might be? Does that comfortable sense of belonging arise […]

Helen John: The Beginnings of Indian Placement

Perhaps o thers than Helen John, Amy Avery, Golden and Thelma Buchanan, and Spencer W. Kimball might have compounded an equally powerful scheme for blessing the lives of Indians, but to these individuals fell […]

Bushman on Friendship

[…] there than anywhere I had been, but still the Portlanders were my people and represented the real world in my mind.  It was that world I wanted to return to as I began my […]