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The Women of Fundamentalism: Short Creek, 1953

[…] them, tossing the little ones into the air. Marie Darger remembered “a big mountain of a man” breaking down and weeping at the grievous irony that his “protection” had inflicted such pain on them […]

Learning to Read with the Book of Mormon

[…] disclosing that I may bring a somewhat unique perspective to the Book of Mormon. I am an English professor who studies nineteenth-century American literature and religion, and I regularly teach the Book of Mormon […]

The Mormon Priesthood Revelation and the Sao Paulo, Brazil Temple

[…] the second largest population center of the country. Rio de Janeiro had important Brazilian television stations and newspapers, and consequently Helvécio Martins became the Church’s most visible spokesperson. In this position, he gave interviews […]

Every Soul Has Its South

[…] responds to his involvement in crucial events and issues of our time. Karl Keller, Assistant Professor of English at the State University of New York at Cortland, where he is the L.D.S. Branch President, […]

Women and Ordination: Introduction to the Biblical Context

[…] suitable for, or even, on par with, him,” and does not carry the connotation of “servant” which the English word “helper” carries.  An element in the second creation story, though distinct from the issue of […]

Crying Change in a Permanent World: Contemporary Mormon Women on Motherhood

Dialogue 18.2 (Summer 1985): 116–127
Women in the Mormon Church are encouraged toward traditional roles and attitudes that discourage personal, familial, and societal change. The ideal female role is that of a non-wage-earning wife and mother in a nuclear family where the husband is the provider and the woman’s energies are directed toward her family, the Church, and perhaps community service.

Beyond Matriarchy, Beyond Patriarchy

[…] neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).  The revisionists also search both canonical and noncanonical texts for feminine images of the divine and historical evidence of women […]

Toward a Feminist Interpretation of Latter-day Scripture

[…] Seagull Book & Tape. For more information, see my “Delighting in Plainness: Issues Surrounding a Simple Modern English Book of Mormon,” Sunstone 16 (Mar. 1992): 20-29.1 have not received and will not receive any […]

Mormon Women in the Ministry

[…] a disciple and follower of Jesus. My ordination has enhanced my understanding of Jesus’ message of good news to the poor and downtrodden. My ordination has taken me down a path of learning to […]