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The Coming of the Manifesto

[…] that for the present at least it was the Lord’s will that the Saints continue to oppose human law and that they contract and live in plural marriage relationships. So strong was his and […]

By The Numbers – Winter 2023 Fiction

[…] not only the intricacies of this extraordinary power but also the profound emotional landscapes that define the human experience. As you listen, be prepared to navigate through complex emotional situations, including the poignant themes […]

Roundtable: When Did You Become Black?

[…] And if so, how did they relate it back to the truth of their own condition as human beings? Now I must follow the trail of my own ancestor from Africa. I must know […]

A Commentary of Stephen G. Taggart’s Mormonism’s Negro Policy: Social and Historical Origins

Dialogue 4.4 (Winter 1969): 86–103
Lester E Bush wrote in response to Stephen G Taggart’s book which the author tried to show that the Church came from abololonist ideas because the Church was orginially founded in New York, but when they encountered pro slavery settlers in Missouri and faced the hostiltiy from the settlers early church leaders apparently changed their mind, even though Joseph Smith eventually did a turnabout from what records have shown regarding African Americans.

My Short Happy Life with Exponent II

[…] “Roots and Fruits of Mormon Women,” a title I much prefer to the more sentimental and common designations of “roots and wings.” The class was very successful, presenting new information to all of us […]