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Objectivity and History

[…] of describing this crisis has to do with “scientific realism.” Here we might ask, What is the world? What kinds of things are in it? What is truth? Is there, in fact, any such […]

Transcript of Trib Talk: A new Mormon faith crisis?

[…] Mason: Well I think certainly it’s an age of doubt. The contours, the belief of the modern world has changed significantly and not just for Mormons, but for all of us. We live in […]

The Church’s Use of Secular Arguments

[…] Hawaii temporarily instituted civil unions for same-sex couples, the Church issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” The proclamation drew on ideas of divine intent and accountability, stating: “The family is ordained of […]

Missing and Restoring Meaning

[…] there before, but now they were widely and accurately available to Church members and leaders around the world and accessible to outside scholars. The new tome placed them in context. It was cause for […]

She Simply Wanted More: Mormon Women and Excommunication

[…] expansive theology of feminists like Maxine Hanks and Margaret Toscano with “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” It reiterated the Church’s fundamental belief that “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained […]

On Tradition and a Nonbinary Revolution

[…] the missionary culture and wanted a physical reminder that there were others like me out in the world. She mentioned pronoun pins, and in a moment of rash decision I asked for “they/them” as […]