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Gifts of the Spirit

[…] Franklin glasses, droopy brown bangs, and weary eyes of his father, the astronomy professor. Weltschmerz written all over him. I recognize him from his periodic cello solos in sacrament meeting. β€œHello, Paul! How’s it […]

Jesus Enough

[…] him.Β  Colin and Harley had robbed a bank in Cody, Wyoming. The teller was slow in forking over the cash, and Colin killed him. A posse formed and kept on their trail. By nightfall, […]

The Founding of the L.D.S. Institutes of Religion

[…] Prophets in 1833, at which advanced instruction was given in such varied subjects as Hebrew, geography, g overnment, literature, and Christian history. When the Saints gathered in the Great Basin in 1847 and succeeding […]

The Accommodation of Mormonism and Politico-Economic Reality

[…] asylum from their Missouri mobbings as well as a city charter for Nauvoo which contained almost s overeign powers of self-government. Successful missionary activity brought the skilled and diversified manpower essential to the city’s […]

The Current Restoration of Nauvoo, Illinois

[…] and no yearly payments on the principal for five years. They calculated that if the Mormons took over their lands and remained on them five years, the Mormons would be compelled to erect dwellings […]

Sources Review of Stanley P. Hirshson’s Lion of the Lord

[…] of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lethbridge Stake Historical Committee. A History of the Mormon Church in Canada. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada: Lethbridge Herald Company, 1968. $5.00. Order from Deseret-Book Craft, 907 3rd Ave. South, […]

I Married a Family

[…] first marriage, and bought a couple of young pigs, a dozen hens, and a rooster. Ernest took over all the chores. The run of three blocks up-hill night and morning conditioned him to become […]

The Book of Abraham and Pythagorean Astronomy

Dialogue 8.3 (Winter 1973): 11 – 72 The subject of Pythagoreanism is so controversial and loaded with uncertainties that what follows should be considered as speculation and suggestion for future research.