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Le Train à Grande Vitesse

[…] disapproved) along with his daily pain aux raisins while he read his paper, especially the US sports news, and then a chapter in his French Bible—his attempt to repent of all this guilty pleasure. […]


[…] I will.”  *** Beth’s whole body had trembled when the phone call had come. Mrs. Bronson? Good news. We have a beautiful baby girl for you. Are you superstitious? She was born yesterday, Friday […]

Wild Sage

[…] promised. As soon as this lie was over, we’d start again. Never, ever, would there be a breaking of this promise.  And that’s when the leaves started to fall. While I sat in the […]


[…] badly. He stayed away four full weeks, reappearing, as everyone now knows, on “that” fateful Sunday. The news of his return could not have spread any more quickly if it had been posted on […]

Lost on Both Sides

I suppose we all share the same space at one time or another. One can search out these spaces, as I have. Outside Paris I spent an afternoon mulling about in Malmaison, Napoleon and […]

Gifts of the Spirit

[…] Sacramento—we are.”  Brother Rice nods with that solemn resignation of one who has received tragic but inevitable news. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that.” Then as an afterthought, “We’ll really miss you.” He smiles […]

One on the Aisle

Paula had the aisle seat. Her younger brother Tony was in the middle, next to Sugar, and the two of them pressed against the window and each other and pointed at cloud formations. Down below…

Pancha Loca

[…] was something else out there, a better way to live. Only by braving their father’s wrath, by breaking with Catholicism and joining the Mormons and enduring his total, albeit temporary, rejection, had they been […]


The association of man and woman In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie— A dignified and commodious sacrament. Two by two, necessarye coniunction,  T. S. Eliot  Amos enjoyed her company, but he felt lost. Despite the many times they had walked…

The Body of the Lord’s Fair Night

[…] as was his charge, the thorny distinction between wholesome amusement and wantonness. A sister rushed up with news of their earnings—fifteen yards of muslin, fifty-six pounds of flour, a gallon of molasses, and two […]