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Balancing Acts

[…] maybe, especially when she was surrounded by the kind of high-powered executives she dealt with. But this news was a shock. After a small silence, Catherine said, “I’ve already got a church. I thought […]

In the Right Hands

[…] don’t see Jesus and visit with Grandma and Gramps. Just look at me and listen. You’re an English major, how many times have you read about this or anything like this in your modern […]

Like the Rose

[…] like the elders did.  A few days after our baptism, Allen and Johnson came by with the news that they had rented a house where they could live and hold meetings. Mother asked them […]

Saturday Evening, Sunday Afternoon

[…] Then, shortly after noon, he calls his mother, who has just returned from church, and breaks the news to her that we’re coming. He drops me at my apartment for a quick shower while […]

Grandpa and the Petrified Oysters

[…] his writing. Here he stored back issues of Look, Life, National Geographic, Time, and the Utah Deseret News; here also were samples of rocks and ore he had collected during his prospecting days in the […]


[…] sheets from the closet. Lucille couldn’t quite believe it either. Making the bed, she kept seeing the newspaper headlines: “Mother-Daughter Murdered by Vagrant.” Kicking herself for being so trusting of a total stranger. And […]

Without Number

[…] universe, the paradigm shifts toward which she believed we were irrevocably streaming. She mentioned the ERA, brought newspaper clippings. At the solstice she lit candles and read from Madame Blavatsky. She believed, with Madame, […]

What It Means

[…] house was like the one jumping bean in the box still jumping and laughing and shouting and breaking bottles. There were lots of complaints from neighbors and visits from the police. But then quite […]

The Revelations & Opinions of the Rev. Clive Japhta, D.D.

[…] part of the Temple, where the people communed with one another through the medium of sa cred finance.  2) Jesus ruined crucifixion as an instrument of social order, crippling the Roman Empire after its […]