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Sign or Scripture: Approaches to the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 19.1 (Spring 1986): 69–75 How does the Book of Mormon present the basic doctrines of the gospel? What role should the Book of Mormon play in our religious and intellectual lives?

Editorial Preface

Mormons have long remained isolated from their neighbors by choice and by necessity. Today is not the past, however, and most Mormons live outside of Utah. Los Angeles and New York are as important […]

Thoughts on Anti-Intellectualism: A Response

[…] mysterious but important problem with Mormonism. This Professor Bitton has admirably accomplished.  The paper we have heard today is well informed, well written, and extremely thought-provoking. While it does not tread new ground as […]

The Bible, the Church, and Its Scholars

[…] to above and says we must either believe that Moses wrote the Pentateuch as we have it today, or that Moses didn’t have anything to do with writing it, that it was solely the […]

Toward a History of Ancient America

Dialogue 4.2 (Summer 1971): 65–68If there is no history of ancient Antarctica, there is a valid reason for it. Stone Age man penetrated every continent except Antarctica, and until mod￾ern times, Antarctica was unexplored

The Sweetness of Certain Things

[…] the wall and began picking at a place where the paint was peeling. Carlton got the disastrous news from Elder Ballentine and walked into Spencer’s room. “What are you going to do?” he demanded. […]


[…] somewhat noisy overtures to the visitors.  On the third day, I was able to drive to the market and back, though the roads were full of enormous, water-filled holes. When I returned, there was […]

The Bowhunter

[…] surprises and possibilities . He was a time traveler stepping into the past, leaving behind cars, contraptions, videos, taxes, shopping lists, agent I.D. cards and putting himself on simple terms with the animals — […]

A House of Order

[…] the branches, but he could see that Sylvia wasn’t in the orchard. “OK, where are you reading today?”  The bathroom door opened, and she walked down the hall toward him, a book dangling from […]