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Joseph Smith and Process Theology

[…] extent he is unfulfilled.  The Problem of Evil If it is affirmed that God is the Absolute —unlimited in power and being both as essence and as actuality, and perfect in goodnesswe are confronted […]

Monologues and Dialogues: A Personal Perspective

I  “In the beginning was the dialogue.”  —Hugh Nibley’s translation of John 1:1 (1978,282).  Engaging in dialogue is one of the first experiences we have as human beings. Even when our communication is only inarticulate […]

Brave New Bureaucracy

Huxley’s Brave New World, Orwell’s 1984, and Vonnegut’s Player Piano all envision a world where the system —big bureaucracy, big government, corporations, changing technology, or a mix of theseachieves total, albeit benign, control. The […]

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs:  I have been very interested in Dialogue since its beginning. Congratulations for a “job well done” in the face of tremendous obstacles. Particularly, I have admired the broad coverage you have given the…

Orson Pratt, Jr.: Gifted Son of an Apostle and an Apostate

[…] believing in Mormonism after Joseph Smith’s polyandrous proposals to her while Orson was absent on his 1840 —41 mission to England. Though she viewed Smith’s propositions to her as “wicked” (Paddock to Gregg 1882), […]

Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches

Dialogue 24.1 (Spring 1991): 13–35
However, during the mid-1800s, speaking in tongues was so commonplace in the LDS and RLDS churches that a person who had not spoken  in tongues, or who had not heard others do so, was a rarity.

Anabaptism, the Book of Mormon, and the Peace Church Option

[…] deceptions of clergy as “priestcraft.” Robert Friedman’s assertion that Anabaptist theology is not so much explicit as implicit —an existential and a realized Christianity, where Christ is encountered directlyalso applies to early Latter Day Saintism. […]