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The Founding of the L.D.S. Institutes of Religion

[…] A brief history of the founding of the Institute system seems appropriate at this time, since 19 67 marks the fortieth anniversary of classes held at the first of these Institutes of Religion.  Almost […]

Church Influence Upon the Family

[…] aimed at members’ families, (2) professional resources from both the Church and the secular world, and ( 3) political and social action aimed at all families. Present efforts to assist the family in coping […]

A Time of Transition

[…] store? “Did they get burned? Did they save their children? What does Soul mean? Where will they buy their food now? Do they like living here? Will they burn any more places?”  For some […]

Mormons in the Executive Suite

[…] 1912 and the average date of birth of the men studied, Utah produced one president for each 62,000 persons compared with one for each 205,000 nationally.  Exploratory efforts to identify the native Utahns studied […]

The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints

In one of the earliest books of imaginative literature about the Ameri can West (published in 182 6), novelist-editor-missionary-biographer Timothy Flint reveals a common impression of the time that “in travelling towards the frontier, […]

Lot’s Wife in the Latter Days

[…] fail our neighbor. This temptation is perhaps the most subtle of all those Satan gives us. We buy too expensively, believing we are justified through love of beauty, and then our re sources are […]