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from Falling Toward Heaven

[…] โ€œYouโ€™re one to talk, Vern, about obeying the finer points of the law,โ€ said a man in overalls. โ€œThat isnโ€™t a bottle of milk you have clutched between your knees.โ€ Everybody laughed again.ย  The […]

Brother Melrose

[…] look at a horse in a field. He whistled, and the horse raised its head and walked over to the fence.ย  He rubbed the horse behind the ears and petted his neck. โ€œGood old […]

The Spirit of ’76

[…] his mop back into its bucket and splashed himself with filthy water. Staring at the mess c overing his shoes, he realized a far wittier and urbane response might had been penned if he […]

Like the Rose

[…] all so bad, after all. The batter for the pancakes was easy to make and we could buy margarine or jam, but the maple syrup was a different story. Most of the time we […]

Grandpa and the Petrified Oysters

[…] to me, had been collected in the desert and proved that the area had once been c overed by an ocean. Whole states had been covered by water.ย  โ€œMillions of years ago,โ€ Grandpa would […]


[…] a hundred dollars worth of fishing equipment from Carlsonโ€™s as a prize. The Second World War was over, but equipment was still hard to get. I fished with a metal telescope rod, the two […]


[…] south to Salt Lake. Sheโ€™s worried about me. She wonders how I will bear up. She c overs my hands with her own, and her skin is paper dry.ย  โ€œThings seem hard right now, […]

The Homecoming

[…] clerkโ€™s voicemail, who then told his wife, who then told the Relief Society president, who then went over immediately to the Johnsons with the second counselor and sputtered and skirted and asked if there […]

Entertaining Angels Unaware

[…] we want to see them progress toward baptism,โ€ Soeur Paxton said louder than necessary. They were standing over their bikes, having just unlocked them, debating how to spend the next two hours. Soeur Paxton […]

The Canyon That is Not a Canyon

[…] told you. This is it, this is it . . . She starts to lose it, c overs her face. Taking courage, Dagan crosses the room and sits her back down on the sofa. […]