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Photos from a Conference in Honor of the Career of Armand Mauss

Mauss-Armand-cr-sqUpdated with photos*: “Beyond the Mormon Moment: Directions for Mormon Studies in the New Century” A Conference in Honor of the Career of Armand Mauss Held on March 15-16.
*All photos shot by Morris Thurston, Dialogue Board President

Editor Notes: Of Haircuts and Honor

Cross-posted at
Screenshot 2016-04-26 at 10.54.02 AMThe BYU Honor Code has come under fire recently, and I don’t want to detract from that discussion, but it has caused me to reflect back on my own run-in with the Honor Code back in March 1984.
I’m pretty sure it was my friend Kent’s idea that we should run for ASBYU president and vice president during our junior year of college. We knew we didn’t stand much of a chance. We create signs or bribe students to vote for us by giving out free hotdogs. I don’t think we ever campaigned.
All candidates for ASBYU office had the opportunity to place their photos in the student newspaper, the Daily Universe. Unlike most candidates who had professional headshots in which they sported a tie, their faded white shirts, and indestructible polyester missionary suits, Kent and I took a self-portrait in more casual attire. A couple of days after our photos appeared, we both got a call from the Honor Code office and were required to meet with an administrator about some unstated infraction.

The Community of Dialogue

[…] impact. The reasoned, substantial, and measured approach encapsulated in many of Dialogue‘s finest scholarship is what our community needs. And second, even as Mormon studies flourishes as an academic discipline located primarily outside of […]

Contest award winners

Each year, Dialogue hosts a Eugene England memorial essay contest to honor essays that represent Gene’s vision of an expansive, inclusive, and bold Mormonism. In also honoring the best fiction published in Dialogue, judges this year decided to honor three stories that further the vision of Mormon literature.

Religious Extremism and Conspiracy: A Student’s Observation

[…] 2020 elections, see Tad Walch, “ChurchBeat: What we know about Latter-day Saints votes in Utah, Arizona,” Deseret News, November 5, 2020. 26. David E. Campbell, John C. Green, J. Quin Monson, Seeking the Promised […]

Style Sheet

Dialogue uses a combination of the Chicago Manual of Style supplemented by the LDS Style Guide and by our own when both fail. For example, Chicago is cavalier in the extreme where newspaper citations are…

Dialogue Lectures #12 w/David Bokovoy

Bokovoy-David-1David Bokovoy discusses various aspects of biblical scholarship in this new Miller-Eccles presentation. As Morris Thurston explains “This timely presentation will be a great way to kick off the year of Old Testament study in your Gospel Doctrine class.”
David Bokovoy holds a PhD in Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East and an MA in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies both from Brandeis University. He received his BA from Brigham Young University, majoring in History and minoring in Near Eastern Studies.

International? Peripheries? Global? In search of a name

[…] Any thoughts on this quandary?     Jessie L. Embry, “Ethnic Congregations,” chapter 6 in Mormon Wards as Community (Binghamton: Global Academic Publishing, 2001); also Embry, “Ethnic Groups and the LDS Church,” Dialogue: A Journal […]