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A Question of Authority

[…] according to plan. To them, the excommunications of the September Six were not even the most important news item that month. The biggest highlight was the warm welcome the Church had received at the […]

Reflections on LDS Disbelief in the Book of Mormon as History

[…] 30.3 (Fall 1999):90–103
To average LDS church members in 1909, Roberts’s New Witnesses for God substantiated their beliefs and further embellished his stature for them as a historian and defender of the Book of Mormon. […]

Joseph Smith, Thomas Paine, and Matthew 27:51b–53

Dialogue 54.4 (Winter 2021): 1–33
Despite its alleged antiquity, jutting back centuries before the Common Era, and its predominant setting in the Americas, the Book of Mormon contains several Matthean and Lukan additions to […]

Learning to Read with the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 48.1 (Spring 2015):169–177
In this “From the Pulpit,” Jared Hickman discussed the self-c onfessed weaknesses of multiple authors in the Book of Mormon, indicating that the text is not the literal word of God. […]

“White” of “Pure”: Five Vignettes

Dialogue 29.4 (Winter 1996): 119–135The Book of Mormon variously uses “white” and “pure” in the same verse in different editions. This article traces the history of those changes, who was behind them, and why.