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A Good Sign

Bobbie wants to marry me again. Fourteen months now I’ve been pointing out the kids, our wedding pictures, our marriage certificate. Gosh, I even show him the mail—”Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin,” right there on…


Lucille Wentworth sat in her working on her cross-stitch, watching Judy and Ray hold hands, sitting across from her on the couch. It was late, past one; they’d talked for hours, the conversation flowing around…

Body and Blood

It’s six o’clock, time for dinner and Little House on the Prairie reruns. I walk up the stairs as my mom is pulling some string beans out of the microwave. She asks me if I’ll…

Two-Dog Dose

Jarring bang. Wheels leap up, rattling the heavy load of black piping destined for the oilrig. The truck rolls on. Oblivious to what it left behind.  On the macadam, a coyote. From its sacrum back…

Snowflake Girl

I grew up in Snowflake, which lies in desert country in Arizona, altitude 5600 feet. Alof Larson and May Hunt, my parents, were among the early arrivals to this pioneer settlement, named for Erastus Snow…

Riding Herd: A Conversation with Juanita Brooks

Elsewhere in this issue Robert Flanders speaks of the New Mormon History as having begun in 1945 with the publication of Fawn Brodie’s No Man Knows My History. While Brodie’s book is certainly pivotal, an…

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs:  I was very pleased to read the David L. Wright material in the Summer issue. Jim Miller’s “Introduction” and “Dave Elegy” form an outstanding preface to “The Con science of the Village.” To…

The Church as Broadcaster

The Mormon Church is a formidable broadcast institution. Through subsidiary corporations and institutions it owns sixteen radio and television stations, a sophisticated international broadcast distribution system, a Washington news bureau, a cable TV system and production and consulting divisions.

Who Is Emma Smith? Compiled by Melody Newey Johnson

For our Dialogue Gospel Study (14 March 2021) on Doctrine and Covenants 25, Melody Newey Johnson asked participants to write down a word, words, or phrases that came to mind when they thought of Emma…