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The Art of Queering Boundaries in LDS Communities

[…] a queer son. I am also an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints as well as a professor at Brigham Young University, where I teach courses in literacy […]

The Case Against SameSex Marriage

[…] These articles were about legal arguments. The case against argued that marriage was already tenuous and allowing same -sex marriage would doom it, suggesting that people would become homosexuals if samesex marriage were an option.

The Church’s Use of Secular Arguments

One fascinating development in the Proposition 8 debate in California was the extent to which secular arguments -involving legal, political, and sociological claimscame to take center stage, even in announcements from the Church itself. […]

The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

[…] gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell. Brigham Young (JD 2:31) For faithful Latter -day Saints, the temple endowment ceremony is one of the most sacred and powerful ordinances received in […]