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Why Latter-day Saint Girls Marry Outside the Church

[…] are mainly receiving this guidance in M.I.A. and Seminary.  About 80% of the respondents over sixteen began dating before age sixteen and 81% of the unmarried (62% of the total sample) did not think […]

Roundtable: The Black Cain in White Garments

Dialogue 51.3 (Fall 2018): 209–211
Jackson explains “The Church refused to grant the Black body whole recognition and divinity. To Nephi, I was not fair and delightsome. To Joseph, I was a violator of […]

Roundtable: When Did You Become Black?

Dialogue 51.3 (Fall 2018): 193–200After taking a genelogy DNA test, Houston finds some African ancestory. “Where to begin in answering all those questions? But at the most basic level, I simply liked that I was […]

On Becoming a Universal Church: Some Historical Perspectives

[…] the whole earth.  D&C 109:72 In the South African township of Soweto lives Julia Mavimbela, a seventy-three-year-old black woman. In 1955 her husband, John, died, leaving Julia with five children under the age of […]