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Annual Appeal 2013

[…] alt=”From” src=”” width=”212″ height=”185″ />Dear Friend of Dialogue:

The past year has been an outstanding one for Dialogue. I hope you have found articles that speak to you. I must admit that I […]

The Document Diggers and Their Discoveries: A Panel

Mormon history has always been a hot topic. From the earliest days of Church history over a century and a half ago, vastly divergent accounts of the origins and development of the Church of […]

The Gilded Door

[…] She beamed as Ruthalin exclaimed over the precision of the zipper installment.  “Well, are you going to buy?” Ada whispered. She could not believe the look in Ruthalin’s eye. Was Ada about to witness […]

Blogging General Conference

I’ll be blogging conference live at Dialogue’s affiliated blog, By Common Consent, with real-time coverage from the Conference Center, photos, and lots of discussion, both serious and silly, in the comment section. Will President Monson arrive late? Will Elder Oaks talk about Religious Freedom? Will someone reference an April Fool’s Joke? You’ll find somebody talking about it at BCC. Twitter updates also available throughout the weekend at and Join us!