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Brave New Bureaucracy

Huxley’s Brave New World, Orwell’s 1984, and Vonnegut’s Player Piano all envision a world where the system—big bureaucracy, big government, corporations, changing technology, or a mix of these—achieves total, albeit benign, control. The individual […]

The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

[…] Eden, their disobedience and consequent expulsion from that blissful abode, their condition in the lone and dreary world when doomed to live by labor and sweat, the plan of redemption by which the great […]

Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

[…] experiences of Jesus and the apostles were trapped in the past. As a prophet, he unlocked the world of the supernatural—making the divine-human interaction simultaneously more literal and more personal than was customary in […]

The Challenge of Secularism

[…] That is, should the Church shape itself to the pressing and sophisticated needs of the contemporary urban world, as well as attempt if it can to shape the world in the traditional Mormon image? […]

Notes and Comments

[…] present posture finds its clearest roots in the industrial revolution which transformed America (and most of the world) between the Civil War and World War I. It is grounded in the attitudes of big […]

Mormonism's Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

[…] this the Prophet reaffirmed that the Church believed “in preaching the doctrine of repentance in all the world, both to old and young, rich and poor, bond and free.” While the elders were instructed […]

The Revelations & Opinions of the Rev. Clive Japhta, D.D.

[…] America—to use language I learned in church—a “city on a hill,” an example to the big wide world my extended family came from, or was it “Babylon,” worldwide marketer of wickedness, where wrong was […]