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For the Children of the Promise

[…] I put out a convenient tableful of Church books in the living room, but no one c ame to browse or borrow. Why should this be?  For one thing, the books lack visual stimulation. […]

From Antagonism to Acceptance: Mormons and the Silver Screen

[…] repeatedly emphasized the lurid and sensational. In Riders of the Purple Sage and The Rainbow Trail, (1918 Fox Company releases based on the best-selling Zane Grey novels), catch phrases like “An Expose of Early […]

An Interview with Sterling M. McMurrin

Sterling M. McMurrin has been a leading philosopher and educator for many years. Among his publications pertaining to the philosophy of religion are Religion, Reason, and Truth (1982) and The Theological Foundations of the […]

Feeding the Fox: A Parable

[…] a special sort of place in mind. The rabbits had lived too long in fear of the fox. They were weary of foraging with an ear always to the wind, ever cautious of the […]

Digging the Foundation: Making and Reading Mormon Literature

As an epigraph to their anthology A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-day Saints, Richard Cracroft and Neal Lambert quote Orson F. Whitney’s 1888 Contributor essay, “Home Literature”:  We shall yet have Miltons and […]