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Queer Mormon Histories and the Politics of a Usable Past

Dialogue 54.1 (Spring 2021): 1–16
Essentially, the debate becomes whether it is appropriate to apply the adjectives “gay,” “homosexual,” “transgender,” or similar terms to persons who lived before these terms had any meaning. Yale […]

The Temple and the Sacred: Dutch Temple Experiences

Dialogue 47.1 (Spr ing 2012): 104–123
First, the history of the temple project will be shown from the Dutch perspective, with a discussion of some of the observable effects on the Dutch saints, one […]

Knot Theory

A knot can be a beautiful thing. A knot can reveal truths about how the world works. Some people are so enraptured by knots, they dedicate their lives to studying them. I’m devoting no […]

Lavina Fielding Anderson (1944-2022)

[…] I never would have reached without Lavina’s intervention was Florence Jacobsen, longtime president of the Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association.  The same day Lavina suggested I interview Florence, she called her.  Because it was […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] even preside over some type of Mormon ecumenical council composed of intellectuals within the Church. Then the world would be treated to the spectacle of Mormons debating basic principles in the vain attempt to […]

Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew

[…] efforts that Joseph Smith went through to study Hebrew. Joseph Smith’s personal behavior was apparently not changed, but in other aspects in later years there is evidence that Joseph Smith was using Hebrew language structure

And Woe Unto Them That Are With Child In Those Days

Dialogue 6.2 (Summer 1972): 40–47
It isn’t easy these days to be a Momon mother of four. In the university town where I live, fertility is tolerated but not encouraged. Every time I drive to […]