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Dialogue Lectures #10 w/Laurie Maffly-Kipp

Maffly-Kipp-Laurie-1-367x450 Laurie Maffly-Kipp recently co-edited Proclamation to the People: Nineteenth-Century Mormonism and the Pacific Basin Frontier with Reid Neilson, a book of essays dealing with this crucial aspect of Church history. She shares some of her findings with us in the 10th Dialogue podcast taken from a lecture presented to the Miller-Eccles group.

Dialogue Lectures #9 w/Joseph and Marilyn Bentley

Bentleys-2-450x336_1 The Bentleys discuss the fascinating story of how the BYU Jerusalem center came to be in this 9th Dialogue podcast taken from a lecture presented to the Miller-Eccles group. They also reported on the current state of Church activities there.

Dialogue Lectures #8 w/Armand Mauss

MaussArmand L. Mauss, emeritus professor or sociology and religious studies at Washington State University and author of several books and a great many articles on a variety of Mormon issues, including his seminal The Angel and the Beehive: The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation (1994) took questions from a panel of Miller-Eccles readers posing questions to Armand relating to his recently-published memoir, Shifting Borders and a Tattered Passport: Intellectual Journeys of a Mormon Academic.

Dialogue Lectures #6 w/Fiona and Terryl Givens

[…] and Fiona discuss some of the ways in which we construct our faith identity, and how we might rethink the interconnections of Mormonism as an institution, a community, a belief structure, and a devotional template.

Dialogue Lectures #5 w/Sarah Barringer Gordon

Gordon, Sarah BarringerIn a departure from our usual format, this podcast is a recording of a recent presentation given by Dr. Gordon to the Orange County, California, Miller Eccles Study Group. The subject of her presentation is “The Legalization of Utah for Statehood.”

Dialogue Lectures #3 w/Dr. Robert Rees and Dr. Caitlin Ryan

[…] studies and clinical work, is Director of the Family Acceptance Project at SF State University, a world-renown community research, intervention, education and policy initiative. Together Drs. Ryan and Rees have authored an important training […]

Dialogue Lectures #2 w/Dr. John G. Turner

In this second Dialogue podcast, Morris Thurston, Dialogue’s board president-elect, interviews Dr. John G. Turner, assistant professor of Religious Studies at George Mason University.

Dialogue Lectures #1 w/Dr. David E. Campbell

In this inaugural Dialogue podcast, Morris Thurston, Dialogue’s board president-elect, interviews Dr. David E. Campbell, associate professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and founding director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy.

Sunni Brown Wilkinson. The Marriage of the Moon and the Field

[…] poems but a stunning theological statement. Sunni Brown Wilkinson. The Marriage of the Moon and the Field. New York: Black Lawrence Press, 2019. 65 pp. Paper: $16.95. ISBN: 978-1625570048. Note: The Dialogue Foundation provides the web […]

Pray Without Ceasing

The scriptures often admonish us to pray continuously. Note that I said “continuously,” not “continually.” “Continually” means repeated with interruptions, but “continuously” means without interruptions. Paul tells the saints in Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing”…