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Women and Priesthood

Dialogue 14.4 (Winter 1981): 48–59
I smiled wryly at the cartoon on the stationery. The picture showed a woman standing before an all-male ecclesiastical board and asking, “Are you trying to tell me that God […]

Condemn Me Not

Dialogue 52.1 (Spr ing 2019): 17–32
I do not lend the weight of truth to the language of ritual. Such language is symbolic. But even in the context of symbolism, language that is so preferential […]

The Restoration in British Columbia

[…] of both groups to establish congregations in Canada’s far west and explores why the growth of the Latter-day Saint and Reorganized Latter Day Saint churches in British Columbia became so lopsided after World War II.

In Defense of the Market Place

Professor Clark’s “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” takes us into a very interesting world in which Art and Religion (the good guys) are engaged in a deathly struggle with the Market Place (the […]

In the Garden of Babel

[…] pocket of her silken beige robe. This everstone, her portable connection to the network, includes her work, news from the city, and communication with her loved ones. She reviews what is written within, her […]

Another Angel

[…] someday I might think I had done it for her.  An hour later I was at a Mutual dance with my two hands almost around Carma’s waist, and she was beaming up at me. […]

One on the Aisle

[…] exhausted, often frustrated, but she never once wondered if it was worth it. Of course maybe the world just seemed more hopeful then. Last year an old boyfriend, Mark, who had just turned thirty-five, […]

Heart of the Fathers

[…] for renewed residence at your institution. As your records will show, my father is a veteran of World War I, drafted and serving stateside for six months before that war’s close. •  Shortly after […]


[…] but said it way too much. “You look better, Charles. Doesn’t Charles look better? How is Charles today? Better?”  Dad decided he was going to let me live with Mom. He called it a […]