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The Little Man Who Isn’t There

Mormons might find particular interest in the recent defeat by the California legislature of a bill that would have repealed all laws against sexual relationships by consenting adults. Only an impassioned stand by a coterie of legislators from that strong hold of rectitude commonly known as Rafferty Country prevented its passage, as members of this group with Bibles opened thundered denunciation of the abominations of Sodom and Gomorrah. Proponents of the defeated bill remained confident, however, of its eventual passage in future sessions, and predicted that similar legislation will within a few years prevail throughout most of the nation. 

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Just over ten years ago I was approached by four young Mormons who were affiliated with Stanford University in one capacity or another. They wanted to know if there was a library market for a…

Halldor Laxness, the Mormons and the Promised Land

When the all-seeing eye on the facade of Zion’s Mercantile winked at him, beckoning him with its self-assured commingling of matter and spirit to write a novel about the Promised Land, Halldor Laxness had already…

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

“Of making of books there is no end.” These words from Ecclesiastes could as well be applied to the more than thirty thousand doctoral dissertations and an even larger number of master’s theses completed in…

The Church in Egypt

My family and I recently spent three years in Cairo where we were much in volved in cooperative education programs with Egyptian counterparts. We became aware of how serious the official attitude toward an outside…

The Depot

Driving slowly past the house she knew that her resentment was unreasonable. The new owners had every right to change it; if she had felt so strongly, why had she let it go? But how…

Getting Unmarried in a Married Church

My earliest memory of my Bluebird class in Primary is cross-stitching a sampler: “I will light up my home.” Our teacher admonished us to embroider carefully because we would want our samplers to hang in…