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Pancha Loca

[…] to the doctor. I thought she had a concussion, I really did. Larry just goes, ‘She’ll get over it.’ I could’ve killed him.”  Gloria and her three children were in California on one of […]

The By-pass

[…] it from where we stood. The new churchhouse was not two stories high with a peaked roof over its red brick walls and a pile of steps to climb to the whitewashed double doors […]

Moving On

[…] be in her late forties. I know she’s Mormon, too, because her garments show when she bends over. She has auburn hair with pink highlights, and she’s wearing two studs in one ear and […]

The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints

In one of the earliest books of imaginative literature about the Ameri can West (published in 182 6), novelist-editor-missionary-biographer Timothy Flint reveals a common impression of the time that “in travelling towards the frontier, […]

Medicine and the Mormons: A Historical Perspective

[…] the intro duction of anesthesia many years later.  When the Smith family moved to Palmyra in 181 6, heroic medicine was still in vogue, primarily through the teachings of America’s second medical school, Columbia. […]

Matthew Bowman & Richard Bushman quoted in CNN Belief Blog

[…] white shirts, black ties and name tags. Yes, there are white missionaries handing out bulletins at Washing ton’s Third Ward – what Mormons call their congregations – but there’s also Ruth Williams, an elderly […]

The Women of Fundamentalism: Short Creek, 1953

At 1:00 A.M. on 26 July 195 3, Arizona state officials and police officers moved through the inky darkness of an eclipsed moon to begin an armed invasion of the tiny village of Short […]

Utah same-sex marriage and the international church

[…] church members around the world think about same-sex marriage? There are no surveys yet, like this one for Utah. I base my information mainly on personal conversations and email exchanges with respondents in a […]