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Simply Implausible: DNA and a Mesoamerican Setting for the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 36.4 (Winter 2004):129–167
Instead of lending support to an Israelite origin as posited by Mormon scripture, genetic data have confirmed already existing archaeological, cultural, linguistic, and biological data, pointing to migrations from Asia as “the primary source of American In￾dian origins

The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri: Translations and Interpretations: Phase One

Dialogue 3.2 (Summer 1968)101 – 105
Even a casual reading of the Book of Abraham shows that the story refers not so much to unique historic events as to ritual forms and traditions—all these must be checked. So far we have heard what is wrong or at least suspect about the Book of Abraham, but as yet nobody has cared to report on the other side of the picture. It is for that we are saving our footnotes.

The Challenge of Honesty

Both the Protestant and Catholic communities are being swept by a passion for honesty. They are scrutinizing centuries-old suppositions and re-examining current attitudes and goals. In the Protestant world, the writings of Bultmann, Bonhoeffer, Tillich,…

Tale of a Tell | James A. Michener, The Source

The title of the book is appropriate: It is the name of a certain fictional mound or tell—layers on layers of rubble left by successive inhabitants who clustered near a typical water-source in Palestine. From…

Bode and Iris

Listen to the piece here. It may seem odd that an experienced fornicator like Bode Carpenter would get the girl pregnant in the first place—particularly because he carried a condom in the watch pocket of…

A Rock, A Fir, and A Magpie

Fern left Relief Society early. She had never done that before, but she had a headache. Or something. It wasn’t really a headache, but it was in her head. Or her neck, or back. It wasn’t…

Last Tag

The boy liked to visit his Polish grandparents in their small, brick bungalow just around the corner from the parish church. The neigh borhood was clean, orderly. Almost everyone was Polish or Irish, and everyone…