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LDS Youth in an Age of Transition

[…] the teenage years into adulthood by postponing careers, marriage, and family; avoiding most civic responsibility and political service; and aimlessly drifting in casual group relationships.  Social changes over the past few decades Social changes […]

Summer 2011

[…] creation story was an account of God’s taking possession of a temple. Walton argues that the prophet writing Genesis 1 would have understood the seventh-day activities, in which God “rests,” not as a well-deserved […]

More on Motherhood in Mormonism

[…] Home” and “The rise of the Mormon feminist housewife” we bring back from the archives articles and essays discussing the role of motherhood in the Mormon Church:  Begin with Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s significant survey […]

What Dialogue Means to People Like Me

10002306In 1967, Dialogue published Richard Poll’s “What the Church Means to People Like Me,” a talk Poll gave in his Palo Alto ward earlier that year. Using imagery from the Book of Mormon, Poll described two “ideal types” of active, believing Mormons: Iron Rods and Liahonas. Iron Rod Mormons, Poll argued, are obedience-minded, loyal, and devout. They do not search for questions, and easily accept authoritative answers. Seeing God’s hand in their daily lives, they feel salvation is assured by clinging to the Iron Rod of revelation as found in the standard works, the words of General Authorities, and the workings of the Holy Spirit.