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Dialogue Lectures #33 w/Matthew Garrett

[…] aligncenter” src=”” alt=”” width=”222″ height=”279″ />In the newest Dialogue podcast Matthew Garrrett, Professor of History at Bakersfield College and winner of the 2015 Juanita Brooks Prize in Mormon Studies, discusses his research on the Indian […]

Dialogue Lectures #26 w/Patrick Mason

[…] Association, Mormon Studies Review, and the Mormon Studies Group at the American Academy of Religion. His current writing projects include a college-level textbook that will serve as an introduction to Mormonism, a book (co-authored […]

Dialogue Lectures #8 w/Armand Mauss

MaussArmand L. Mauss, emeritus professor or sociology and religious studies at Washington State University and author of several books and a great many articles on a variety of Mormon issues, including his seminal The Angel and the Beehive: The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation (1994) took questions from a panel of Miller-Eccles readers posing questions to Armand relating to his recently-published memoir, Shifting Borders and a Tattered Passport: Intellectual Journeys of a Mormon Academic.