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The Courtship

It was nearly seven. Uncanny the way she could sense that particular hour even without looking and even on days that were not Thursday. The library was quiet as always. The afternoon people had been…

Utah’s Peculiar Death Penalty

I remember the warm Indian summer nights of 1959.1 drove with both windows of my Volkswagon wide open so I could smell the burning leaves and autumn fields as I passed through Sandy and Draper…

For No Dreams

Are you afraid again, 
Doing without end? 

Listen into stone. 
Shut your skin to the sun.

The Politics of B.H. Roberts

Among the second generation of latter-day Saints, the Church had few more zealous or versatile advocates than B. H. Roberts. In his day he was the Church’s most prolific writer, its leading historian, one of…

The Spalding Theory Then and Now

Late in the summer of 1833 one Doctor Philastus Hurlbut, recently excommunicated from the Mormon church for “unchristianlike” conduct toward some of the sisters,[1] learned of a manuscript written some twenty years before by the late Reverend Solomon Spalding which was similar to the Book of Mormon. His interest piqued, he set out to investigate this story, principally through interviews with former residents of Conneaut, Ohio, where Spalding once had lived. 

Sea Piece For Two New Voices

We are the sisters of the sea. 
Something there is in you and me 
That calls us to our very coasts, bids us stand 
Where green-veined breakers moan upon the sand,
Seeking something the old oceans hide.