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The Lone and Dreary World

[…] the voices said, and Adam followed them. From the ledge he would be able to see the world as God did—from above, from a distance. He followed the course of the stream, up the […]

The Homecoming

[…] sons, two daughters. This is what the Lord had offered them and what they had offered the world.  They called Stacy first; she would know how they should tell the others. Jesse would probably […]

Entertaining Angels Unaware

[…] tide, to where rolls of ocean water lifted a line of orange buoys on their crests before breaking against the rock wall that les rochelais had built four hundred years earlier. Charlotte had told […]

The Dream

[…] he was capable of writing. The scenes he presently looked upon, both inside and outside the bus—his world, the world of now—were an infinity away from the world that had inspired all those cowboy […]

The Mormon Family in the Modern World: Introduction

[…] We are thinking of such subjects as “The Mormon Case for Chastity,” “Large Families in an Overpopulated World,” “Love in Marriage,” “Wisdom in Courtship,” “Family Functions Today,” and many others. And though the articles […]

Three Philosophies of Sex, Plus One

[…] Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon bear witness, “That by him and through him and of him the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God” (Doctrine […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] Romney appears to believe the American “destiny” is to be the policeman and savior of all the world (though in admirable moderation), notwithstanding the abundant prophetic warnings regarding the coming bankruptcy of the nation […]

“Man” and the Telefinalist Trap

[…] . Upon entering mortality, the spirit-man “mounts” this, as yet, undisciplined animal for the purpose of “ breaking it” to his own will and making it his servant.  As before, if Turner is describing […]