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Asherah Alert

[…] the Mormon Mother in Heaven with the female deity Asherah. I have long admired Kevin Barney’s research, writing, and opinions. So it is with some regret that I feel compelled to point out some […]

Kevin Barney Responds

Dialogue 42.2 (Summer 2009): xiii–iixx
The truth is that the winners get to write the history, and itwas those who rejected Asherahwho largely redacted or wrote the Old Testament as we have ittoday. There […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] its traditions, hopes, and perplexities. May Dialogue continue, as it has begun, in the mode of sensitive service to fellows which is such a meaningful part of the Mormon Way.  Robert Flanders  Department of […]

New Non-Fiction Book Review Editor: Caroline Kline

Caroline Kline will serve as the new Non-Fiction Book Review Editor alongside Andrew Hall as Cristina Rosetti has stepped down to co-edit the Mormon Studies Review. Caroline Kline is one of our upcoming editors in…

Exploring 2023’s Best Books in Mormon Studies

[…] diverse range of thought-provoking works that delve into the heart of Mormonism’s cultural, historical, and literary dimensions. Get ready for an in-depth exploration of pivotal titles such as Stephen Carter’s Virginia Sorensen, Janiece Johnson’s […]

Tiny Papers: Peruvian Mormon Substances of Relatedness

[…] that celestial bureaucrats living on a temporally distant but spatially proximal planet made of “spirit matter” were writing the new conjugal kin relationships down on papelitos bound into the book of heaven. Indeed, using […]

Mormon Polyandry in Nauvoo

[…] Phelps, Smith’s scribe in Kirtland, has provided a commentary on the Prophet’s marriage teachings of that period. Writing to his wife in Missouri 9 September 1835, Phelps explained: “I have it in my heart […]

Identifying the Earliest Mormon Polygamists, 1841-1844

[…] Hyrum Smith, Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Mormon apostle George A. Smith, writing to Joseph Smith IIIin 1869, corroborated this early plural marriage. Tamson Parshley, Egan’s civil wife, remained […]