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[…] a forgotten place in this nation where there is committed every day the most terrible, terrible of crimes—the breaking of a child’s spirit. I have seen these children starving in the state of Mississippi, in […]

Concern for the Urban Condition

[…] important than was religious belief or membership in the formation of attitudes and behavior toward the secular world. Rural-urban background and general political orientation were especially significant. The chain of causation, however, may not […]

War and Peace

[…] of our own national safety. *** It is an ominous fact that at least one-fourth of the world’s population is involved in merciless, devastating conflict in spite of the fact that most people in […]

The Hosanna Shout in Washington, D.C.

[…] and speaking in a voice still profoundly affected by his stroke from some years ago, one naturally breaking toward falsetto and pushed even more that way by bursts of emotion, was yet blessed with […]

Gospel by the Month: Ensign

[…] suggested an effort that would make it “the best religious magazine for adults published anywhere in the world.”  That boast contrasts with the humble beginnings of an earlier church magazine, The Contributor, published between […]

The New Messenger & Advocate

[…] at all. What readers really want is news about that fuzzy interface between the Church and the world, an area that has been left in mystifying twilight by both official and independent publications, even […]

Leonard James Arrington: His Life and Work

[…] Historian,” Dialogue, 6 (Spring 1972): 23.  Leonard’s philosophy and goals are revealed in the following articles: Church News, (January 15, 1972), p. 3, and (March 4, 1972), p. 3: The New Era, 4 (May […]