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Why Not Go to a Christian College

[…] was given a copy of an es say by a student explaining why when he heard the news of the Kent State killings he had returned to his room to fast and pray for […]

A Child’s Christmas in Utah

It isn’t that way now. The quiet fields are broken into building lots and the farmers build jet engines in the city and garden with a roto-tiller after work. The old canal is lined […]

A Quality Lacking | Melissa Merrill, Polygamist’s Wife

[…] practice they believed they were within the law of the land. They were not hidden. The whole world associated Mormons and polygamists, and the Mormon polygamists stood before the public criticism to defend their […]

Mormon Sexuality in Cross-cultural Perspective

[…] restrained than non-Mormons. And Negative Accompaniments are Greater  Mormon sex norms are among the strictest in the world, sometimes even placing unchastity next to murder. Not unexpectedly, then, the Intermountain respondents who had engaged […]

Omissions in the King James New Testament

[…] Texts (as translated in the RSV) Which is come vnto you, as it is in all the world, and bringeth foorth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day yee heard of […]


[…] Mormons will remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news. I was in a school meeting some ten miles away from my home when a secretary […]

The Challenge of Africa

[…] famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long […]

World-Wide | Spencer J. Palmer, The Expanding Church

[…] these themes. The book also offers well-informed assessments of the practical difficulties facing the Church in its world-wide mission. Essays by David M. Kennedy and Soren F. Cox detail this challenge from their respective […]