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The Charity of Silence

[…] demise. It wanders when I tell it, and I never know when to bring in the polyg amy, so I just do and let matters take care of themselves. People don’t understand it was […]

Requiem in L Minor

Today the L’s. In the old address book, the L pages are impossible—phone numbers lined out, zip codes scratched in, whole entries x’d or margined with a question mark. Even the H’s are […]

Moving On

[…] The house I’d grown up in had been sold. Wymond had taken his share of the sizable amount of equity and disappeared. Mom had moved into a smaller place.  “A little tape won’t hurt, […]

What the Church Means to People Like Me

[…] me”? I have a wife and daughter present who find me in some respects unique. And I am sure there are students at Brigham Young University who hope that I am unique. By the […]

On Mormon Music and Musicians

[…] or art or theater or . . . allied fields. . . .” (Italics added). The Deseret News report of the Wilkinson statement continued: “Talented young people who belong to the Church . . […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] of whom lost in the recent elections.  These matters are relative, but a certain amount of “ news control” and “muzzling” of dissent are proper to successfully wage a war. When human life is […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] Bookcraft and Deseret Book and articles in Mormon journals such as the Improvement Era and the Church News were not included under the assumption that our readers would be aware of these materials. It […]

Mormonism and Required Acceptance

[…] which it cannot compromise. This we take as quite evident. The Church can, how ever, carefully ex amine its inventory of principles, dogmas, programs, practices, and even folklore so as to provide better definition […]

Vardis Fisher and the Mormons

[…] but the Mormon apostate is clearly on the Mormon side in Children of God. In a fund amental way, he was on their side throughout his life. Fisher’s whole approach to life was religious. […]

The Conversion of Sidney Rigdon to Mormonism

[…] Association. The group was thus not affiliated with any religious body when the missionaries arrived with the news of the Book of Mormon. Rigdon sought evidence which would substantiate Pratt’s claim that the Book […]