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The Challenge of Honesty

[…] integrated personality, untroubled by the doubts and uncertainties that plague the Protestant and oblivious to the painful searching and probings of the non-believer. The Mormon is taught from Primary on up that he, unlike […]

The Faith of a Psychologist: A Personal Document

[…] view is that religion makes people feel guilt about various real or even contemplated misdeeds (such as breaking sexual taboos), often greatly out of proportion to the severity of the offense. My experience, especially […]

Free Agency and Freedom — Some Misconceptions

[…] abolish poverty without reducing affluence. The relative economic freedom available to Americans is starkly illustrated by an international comparison of average per capita national incomes: $2800 per year in the United States; the equivalent […]

With Marbles for Eyes

[…] “Rarely. I don’t think either of them know about Grace.” “He’s probably not eager to share the news.”  “He still going to church?” “I’m sure.”  “Of course he is.” Travis sipped his beer and […]

The Nape of the Neck

[…] a screen where I was instructed to fully undress, then I was abandoned as he went in search of fresh clay. I had been naked many times before. Doctors had examined me. My husband […]

Red Hair in the Sacred Grove

[…] and tested her students, and checked their papers meticulously. I remember how the first day in Junior English class she assigned a theme of five hundred words and other heavy reading assignments for the […]

Opening Day

[…] the full influence of the Holy Ghost in my life, be spiritual, which had to be earned. Breaking off the last few pieces of the dead branch, I flipped them over the ledge. Then […]

Roger Across the Looking Glass

[…] virtually everyone. And she wrote poetry. A girl who had sat next to her all year in English and spoken with her exactly once told him. She turned in poems instead of class assignments […]