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Russian Writers Look at Mormon Manners, 1857-72

[…] polygamy, and communism with vassalage. It is a gigantic school where all the theories of the Old World founded upon the principle of authority or freedom may be tested to serve as instruction for […]

Virginia Sorensen: An Introduction

[…] combines many of the traits so often associated with Mormonism: a handcart pioneer heritage, a Danish, old world charm, a seeking spirit, an observant eye. She adds to these a childlike delight in living, […]

Personal Conscience and Priesthood Authority

[…] sides on this issue since Joseph offered this sentiment.  Journal of Discourses, Vol. 9, p. 150.  Church News, 24 May 1969. This issue contains the complete text of President Brown’s memorable address.  Quoted from […]

Fawn McKay Brodie: An Oral History Interview

The following is excerpted from a longer interview conducted by Shirley E. Stephenson as part of the Oral History Program at California State University at Fullerton, November 30, 1975.

Getting Unmarried in a Married Church

[…] by the feeling of relief, euphoria or resigned acceptance. There is a definite perception that your personal world is getting better. Winter is past, spring has arrived. Some experts label this the “promiscuous” stage […]

My Personal Rubicon

[…] abrasive. In fact, I would describe him as a “smart aleck.” (I can no longer read a newspaper without realizing how difficult it is for a reporter to be objective.)  Sonia states in her […]

Joseph Smith III’s 1844 Blessing and the Mormons of Utah

[…] James Whitehead’s information about the January 1844 blessing of Joseph Smith III is thus in the good- news-bad-news category. Much of his 1892 testimony about the blessing is remarkably consistent with documentary evidence to […]

Early Mormon Intellectuals: Parley P. and Orson Pratt, A Response

[…] which favored the growth of natural theology. During this period scientific and religious views complemented and supported mutual intellectual concerns. As the eminent Newtonian scholar Richard S. Westfall has argued, these developments have made […]

Quintessential Mormonism: Literal-Mindedness as a Way of Life

[…] See Joseph Fielding Smith, Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage (Salt Lake City, Ut.: Deseret News Press, n.d.), pp. 14-16, 22-25. See also McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 92-93.  Cited in Juanita Brooks, […]