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The Bible in the Church

[…] with two additional “sections” and a revelation to Brigham Young. The Pearl of Great Price contains four writings, one professing to be from the hand of Abraham, another claiming to be certain revelations given […]

Bodies, Babies, and Birth Control

Dialogue 36.3 (Fall 2003): 159–175
In this paper I will explore official and unofficial messages that theLDS church has sent to girls and women about childbearing during the twentieth century and the effect those messages […]

Roundtable Review: The Naked Capitalist

[…] a clear piece of deceit. Unless Skousen had planted in the reader’s mind his fantasy about Quigley writing a book “to expose world-wide conspiracy and disclose many of its most secret operations” (p. 4), […]

New Voices, New Songs: Contemporary Poems by Mormon Women

[…] asked those women to spread the word. They did. I received dozens of poems and letters about writing; those, combined with the poems in the Exponent II file (both accepted and rejected for publication) […]

The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

[…] and Abraham on the temple narrative are clear; but the only other scriptural reference directly linking ancient writings with the Mormon temple ceremony is found in Explanatory Note 8 to Facsimile 2 in the […]