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Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

[…] version or the PDFs provided online and on JSTOR. “Book of Mormon Reaches 150 Million Copies,” Church News and Events, April 20, 2011, book-of-mormon-reaches-150-million-copies.  Latter-day Saint explorations of the Book of Mormon are […]

Beowulf and Nephi: A Literary View of the Book of Mormon

[…] wide world, past and present, there is no greater body of literature than that which we call English. And in all the annals of English literature, spanning thirteen centuries of impressive expression, no single […]

On Mormon Music and Musicians

[…] became one of the most valuable “properties” in the recording industry. To its credit are two precedent- breaking “golden” records, symbols of over one million albums sold. Though this is common in the pops […]

Science and Religion: A Symbiosis

[…] of science and religion, as some scientists have suggested. The object of quantum mechanics is not the search for God, but for wave functions and probability amplitudes, and knowledge of the scattering cross section […]

My Fifty Years in Journalism

[…] of my junior year he recommended me to the faculty as editor of the Gold and Blue newspaper to be published for the first time the following year. So, despite my total ignorance of newspapers, […]

The Odyssey of Sonia Johnson

[…] in a bank for one year and then graduates from Utah State University with a B.A. in English.  The third child in a family she describes as “five only children” because they were so […]