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“Great Spirit Listen”: The American Indian in Mormon Music

[…] Mainstream Mormon art, literature, and music, which grants the American Indians a Book of Mormon history and destiny as Lamanites, embraces and propagates many historical misconceptions transferred from secular sources. Congregational singing has been […]

Childlike, Not Childish

Three floors up, Frank and I sat on our apartment balcony one early morn ing, blowing bubbles—huge, soapy bubbles that rose and fell like floating balloons. We were trying out a new, round wire […]

The Ahmadis of Islam: A Mormon Encounter and Perspective

[…] to achieve its prophetic promise. Countries that have little or no tradition of Christianity are particularly challeng ing since missionaries and prospective investigators seldom have a large fund of shared experience upon which to […]

Sarah M. Pratt: The Shaping of an Apostate

[…] woman behind the rumor?  Sarah, the first daughter and third child of Cyrus Bates and Lydia Harr ing ton Bates’s twelve children, was born in the sleepy hamlet of Henderson, New York, on 5 February […]


That fine white burst of bush blossom  Has come again. Blast  ing through the winter crust  And scattering the afterbirth of spring, 

Monologues and Dialogues: A Personal Perspective

I  “In the beginn ing was the dialogue.”  —Hugh Nibley’s translation of John 1:1 (1978,282).  Engaging in dialogue is one of the first experiences we have as human beings. Even when our communication is only […]

Brave New Bureaucracy

[…] 1984, and Vonnegut’s Player Piano all envision a world where the system—big bureaucracy, big government, corporations, chang ing technology, or a mix of these—achieves total, albeit benign, control. The individual is lost and dominated […]

Refugee Converts: One Stake’s Experience

[…] the boundaries of the Oakland Stake, which, until recently, followed a pattern of growth and membership typic al of U.S. urban areas.  This pattern changed abruptly with the influx by 1981 of 50,000 refugees […]

Mother Goes to Cambridge: A Modern Lament

[…] England, had either talked or read most of the night, I was appalled to find myself drift ing off under the august nose of Professor Allen. Surely I had not journeyed this far to […]