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Black Images and White Images

[…] riot areas have been restricted almost entirely to black ghettos and the disorders have consisted mainly of breaking windows, looting, and burning retail establishments in the ghettos, owned mostly by whites living outside the […]

The Historians and Mormon Nauvoo

[…] ten are devoted to polygamy, while three chapters of the eleven are headed “A Kingdom of This World” and talk about government and the military, land business, industry, and finance. Another chapter discusses the […]

Wanted: Additional Outlets for Idealism

[…] of sophisticated communication and transportation facilities, the result of which is to bring the rest of the world and its problems literally into our living rooms.  The above trends are also having considerable impact […]

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

For the most part, Mormons have been a socially homogeneous people. True, the initial Anglo- American stock was reinforced from time to time by immigrants from Western Europe, but these converts were quickly absorbed […]

The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage

[…] the language of modern critical science, a reductionist method in that it reduces the complexity of the world to the imagined simplicities of its contingent units; and it is deterministic in that it seeks […]

The Twentieth Century: Challenge for Mormon Historians

[…] urgency of writing contemporary history, Schlesinger made several points especially worthy of consideration here: (1) As the world changes more rapidly in modern times than ever before, what we perceive as the “past” is […]

The Church Moves Outside the United States

[…] tongue. Inasmuch as the Church’s membership is growing rapidly among many language groups throughout much of the world, this progressive Latin American gain is quite remarkable, exceeding by far the best projections of only […]

Mormonism and the Periodical Press: A Change is Underway

[…] Presidency’s announcement, as dramatically retold by Janet Brigham in Sunstone, “was electric—it swept through and stunned the worldwide Mormon community faster than the startled news media could broadcast it.” Even President Jimmy Carter was […]